
The word navigation comes from a Latin word navigatus meaning to sail. Navigation is finding the way on water, land or in the air.

A compass is used for navigation.

Compasses point north.

The word north comes from a word meaning “left, below” as north is to the left when you face the rising sun.

The word east comes from a Greek word meaning ‘morning.’

The sun rises in the east in the morning. If you face the rising sun and stick your arms out (like in the picture below) in the morning then your left arm will point to the north.

South comes from the word sunnon meaning ‘region of the sun.’ The sun rises in the east and as the earth rotates appears in the south during the day and sets in the west. The region of the sun is in the south.

West comes from a word meaning evening or ‘direction where the sun sets.’

The points on a compass are equivalent to bearings. Bearings are an angle measured from north in a clockwise direction. So, north corresponds to 0°, east is 90°, south is 180°, and west is 270°.

Bearings are given with three digits so north is 000^circ, east is 090^circ, south is 180^circ and west is 270^circ.