Sizes of things

Using powers of 10, we can describe the size of things.

The universe is around 1023 kilometres

The galaxy that we are in is called The Milky Way and is is around 1018 kilometres.

The nearest star to Earth apart from the sun is Proxima Centauri. It is about 1013 kilometres away.

Our solar system composed mainly of the sun and the eight planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) is around 109 kilometres.

The sun is around 106 kilometres

The Earth is around 104 kilometres

The highest mountain on earth is Mount Everest and it is around 101 kilometres. 101 is the same as 10.

The highest mountain in the UK is in Scotland and is called Ben Nevis. It is around 100 kilometres. (Any number to the power of zero is defined as 1. 100 = 1, 10 = 1, 40 = 1)
