Simultaneous equations part four

Here is a graph with two straight lines plotted on it, y = 2x + 1 and y = 3x - 1

We have looked at the properties of y = 2x + 1. The stepsize (or gradient) is 2 and the line crosses the y axis at y = 1. We can tell this just by looking at the equation. We also worked out that the line crosses the x-axis (when y = 0) at x = -\frac{1}{2}.

For y = 3x - 1, the gradient is 3 and the line crosses the y axis at y = - 1. We can work out where the line crosses the x-axis by rearranging the equation for x:

y = 3x - 1

3x - 1 = y

3x =y + 1

x =\frac{y + 1}{3}

Then substitute y =0 in the equation to get

x =\frac{1}{3}

Looking at the graph this looks right.

We can also read the answer to the simultaneous equations y = 2x + 1 and y = 3x - 1 from the graph.

y = 2x + 1 and, simultaneously, y = 3x - 1 at the point at which the two straight lines cross. We can see from the graph that this is when x = 2 and y = 5.

We could also shown this by substitution or elimination as we saw earlier in the course.