Equations part two

Equations can be used to describe situations from life. For example, imagine you won £500 in a mathematics competition. Imagine you decided to spend all of the money on a short break. You estimated that you would need £40 a day spending money, the hotel costs £60 a night and travel to and from your destination costs £75. How long could you go away for on your winnings?

You can work this out using an equation.

Let n stand for the number of nights you can afford to go away for with your £500.

Let’s write an equation that calculates the value of n .

Let’s write the equation in words first and then use numbers and symbols

Total money equals travel cost plus number of nights \times spending money plus number of nights \times hotel cost

Now let’s substitute symbols for the words

500 = 75 + 40n + 60n

500 = 75 + 100n

425 = 100n

n = \frac{425}{100}

n = 4.25

You can afford to go away for 4 nights with some money to spare.